Change to Auditor
We wish to advise that Grant Thornton Audit Pty Ltd has been appointed as auditor of Peninsula Mutual Limited effective 25 November 2024. Our previous auditors, KPMG, were appointed as auditor in 2019 and have acted in the role for 5 years. In considering the length of KPMG's tenure, the Board considered a change in audit firm appropriate. At the Annual General Meeting of Members held on 29 August 2024, the members voted in favour of the appointment of Grant Thornton Audit Pty Ltd.
Changes to Health and Safety Legislation Prohibiting Protection of Penalties
Over the past several years, the following states across Australia have made amendments to Work Health and Safety Legislation:
- Western Australia – Work Health and Safety Act (amendments effective from 31 March 2022)
- Victoria – Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 (amendments effective from 22 September 2021)
- New South Wales – Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (amendments effective from 10 June 2020)
- Australian Capital Territory
- Queensland
The above legislation now prohibits all insurance and indemnity arrangements covering penalties for health and safety offences under state-based legislation. The prohibition includes discretionary arrangements such as Peninsula Protect.
We may see other states follow in the future.
What this means for you
For any alleged breach of the above WA, VIC, NSW, ACT and Qld health and safety legislation, subject to the terms of the Product Disclosure Statement, Peninsula Protect provides protection for legal representation only. This legislation applies to any members with employees working in these states.
Maximise your protection
As an Peninsula Mutual member, it is recommended that you follow the Corrective Action Plan provided following your Work Health and Safety review and utilise our expert Advice Team for any safety-related questions or incidents. This will help to manage safety risks within your business and maximise the likelihood of protection in the event of an investigation or alleged breach of safety legislation by a regulator.
Peninsula Mutual Limited General Meeting
Peninsula Mutual Annual General Meeting 29 August 2024
On 29 August 2024 Peninsula Mutual held its Annual General Meeting. Results of the meeting can be viewed below.
Peninsula Mutual Limited General Meeting dated 11 June 2024
On 11 June 2024, Peninsula Mutual held its Annual General Meeting. Results of the meeting can be viewed below.
Peninsula Mutual Limited Annual General Meeting 2023
On 30 August 2023, Peninsula Mutual held its Annual General Meeting. Results of the meeting can be viewed below.
You can view a recording of the AGM below.
Peninsula Mutual Limited Annual General Meeting 2022
On 24 August 2022, Peninsula Mutual held its Annual General Meeting. Results of the meeting can be viewed below.
You can view a recording of the AGM below.
Peninsula Mutual Limited General Meeting 2022
On 25 March 2022, Peninsula Mutual held a General Meeting. Results of the meeting can be viewed below.

Tips to Protect your Business
- Contact Peninsula for advice on any issues relating to your employment relations or work health and safety concerns
- If you need to restructure your workplace and, in particular, if this is likely to result in reductions to pay or changes to employment contracts, contact Peninsula to obtain advice and guidance on how to address these issues (what to do and say and what not to do and say) and follow the advice as to recommended processes and documentation
- Provide Peninsula with accurate and detailed information
- Contact Peninsula for advice before making a decision to dismiss an employee or change their employment conditions.
How to join
Peninsula Mutual is available exclusively to clients of Peninsula Australia Pty Ltd and Peninsula Group NZ Limited (collectively, Peninsula) who are invited to join. As a member, there is an automatic invitation to apply for the Peninsula Protect product. Clients are given the opportunity to complete an application form and, if accepted, offered membership and the Peninsula Protect membership benefit.