Peninsula Mutual is a discretionary mutual. Membership is exclusively available to clients of Peninsula

Exciting News! Employsure Mutual is now Peninsula Mutual. At the General Meeting held on 11 June 2024, the Members voted by special resolution to change the company name to Peninsula Mutual Limited. Following approval by ASIC, we launched the new branding on 1 July 2024. To view all updated documentation, view here.
For existing members, you will receive a copy of the new Peninsula Protect PDS at the time of renewal.
Peninsula Mutual Limited (Peninsula Mutual) is a member owned discretionary mutual with almost 30,000 members. Membership of Peninsula Mutual is exclusive to clients of Peninsula. Members have access to Peninsula Protect, a financial product providing discretionary protection against employment relations claims and health and safety claims.

Membership of Peninsula Mutual is exclusive to clients of Peninsula. Members benefit from the improved risk profile that comes from the delivery of Peninsula’s core services to members that share common issues, resulting in lower overall claims costs. By pooling contributions for discretionary protection, Peninsula leverages the strength of its membership to manage claims and reduce overheads.
Peninsula Mutual’s board includes member directors who are clients of Peninsula and understand the risks and challenges of running a small business. The board can exercise discretion in areas of membership, scope and cost of protection and claims.
For more information and full terms and conditions, please read the Peninsula Protect Product Disclosure Statement, Financial Services Guide and Target Market Determination here.
Member Benefits
- Access to employment relations and health and safety consultancy services provided by Peninsula
- Tailored employment and health and safety solutions to suit the Member’s business
- Advice to help mitigate the risk of an employment relations or health and safety claim
- No excess on a claim for discretionary protection
- Limit of $400,000 on any one claim
- Limit of $2 million per year
How to join
Peninsula Mutual is available exclusively to clients of Peninsula Australia Pty Ltd and Peninsula Group NZ Limited (collectively, Peninsula) who are invited to join. As a member, there is an automatic invitation to apply for the Peninsula Protect product. Clients are given the opportunity to complete an application form and, if accepted, offered membership and the Peninsula Protect membership benefit.
Two types of protection offered
Full details of the protection are contained in the Product Disclosure Statement and should be carefully considered to determine whether the product is suitable for you. The advice contained on this page is general and does not consider your personal objectives, financial situation or needs.
In order to have the benefit of protection Members are required to seek and follow advice from Peninsula on becoming aware of circumstances which may give rise to a claim (see exclusions listed at Clauses 4 and 6 in Part 2 of the PDS).
Employment Relations
Members have a right to claim for losses they are liable to pay in respect of an employment claim including unfair dismissal, general protections and discrimination.
Cover includes:
- Legal representation costs
- Judgments or settlements
- Investigation costs

Health and Safety
Members have a right to claim for losses suffered when a claim is made by a regulatory body for liabilities arising from a breach of health and safety legislation.
Cover includes:
- Legal representation costs
- Penalties, where permitted by law (AU only)
- Reparation costs (NZ only)

Performance of Peninsula Mutual
Peninsula Mutual has successfully provided protection to members since commencement on 1 April 2019. In its first five years of operation:
- More than 5,600 claims have been received by Peninsula Mutual from members across Australia and New Zealand
- During the 2023/2024 financial year, Peninsula Mutual received 1,184 employment claims, 75 health and safety claims and 234 notifiable health and safety incidents
- Average settlement cost $5,000 per claim
- Average cost of legal representation $4,700 per claim
- 20% of claims are accepted outside of the PDS, demonstrating the Mutual's flexibility in exercising discretion to accept claims
- 25% of claims declined, primarily due to members failing to seek and follow advice from Peninsula